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Street Fighter V Free Download

Street Fighter V free pc game


Experience the intensity of head-to-head battle with Street Fighter® V! Choose from 16 iconic characters, each with their own personal story and unique training challenges, then battle against friends online or offline with a robust variety of match options. Earn Fight Money in Ranked Matches, play for fun in Casual Matches or invite friends into a Battle Lounge and see who comes out on top! PlayStation 4 and Steam players can also play against each other thanks to cross-play compatibility! This version of Street Fighter V displays the “Arcade Edition” title screen and includes Arcade Mode, Team Battle Mode and the online-enabled Extra Battle Mode, where you can earn rewards, XP and Fight Money! Fight Money can be used to purchase additional characters, costumes, stages and more! Download the cinematic story “A Shadow Falls” today for FREE! M. Bison deploys seven Black Moons into orbit, granting him unimaginable power as the earth falls into darkness.


Street Fighter V free pc game
Street Fighter V free pc game
Street Fighter V free pc game

System requirements:

  1. OS: Windows 7/8/10(64-bit). 
  2. Processor: Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.60GHz. 
  3. RAM: 6 GB. 
  4. Hard Drive: 8 GB space Free. 
  5. Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 480, GTX 570, GTX 670, or better. 
  6. DirectX®: 11.

How to install?

    • Extract the file using Winrar. (Download Winrar)
    • Open “Street Fighter V” folder.
    • Click ''Street Fighter V'' Setup to install the game.
    • Done!

      Street Fighter V full version game for pc

      Game Size6.4 GB
      Street Fighter V Free Download Street Fighter V Free Download Reviewed by gamepoint on Sunday, August 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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